Argovis API Key Management

In order to allocate our limited resources fairly to all our users, API requests should be accompanied by a free API key that identifies the requester, allowing us to prevent anyone from making so many requests so quickly that they make Argovis unusable for everyone else. Choose 'New Account Registration' below to get started.

In general, requests made in series (that is, letting your first request finish before issuing the next), should resolve without being cut off by the rate limiter, indefinitely. Making requests in parallel is also possible; exactly how many will be allowed is a function of their estimated size and complexity. Things that reduce estimated request size (and therefore allow you to make more such requests in less time) are:

If you see HTTP 429 errors, you have probably exceeded your request limit with too many concurrent requests! Wait a minute for your allocation to automatically refill, and then try again with less requests in parallel, or by simplifying your requests where possible via the options above.

As always, please reach out to any time if you need help or have feedback, and we will try to get in touch.

Brand new to Argovis? Get an API key here to start issuing requests for data.

Enter your email and submit, and if we have an API key for that address, we'll send it to you.

If you think your API key has been exposed to a third party, provide it and your email and we'll send you a fresh key.

If you're no longer using Argovis, enter your email and API key, and we'll deactivate it.